Monday, October 6, 2008

Finishing Fun Home

i have to say this book ended depicting her father in a completely different note than when the book began. that suprised me. i started out resenting him and all he represented; wishing she would just explode at him one day and put him in his place. At the end i felt that he actually expressed compassion, perhaps not explicitly, but in his own way by finding a common bond with his daughter.
i also noticed a little detail in one of the panels. on page 226 her father's temporary grave marker reads "Bechdel Fun'l Home." i thought it was, if this was actually how it was in real life, a interesting coincidence that "fun home" would be almost directly referenced by accident. im not quite sure what the importance of it is but i took note of it.
she sure does reference a lot of books i've never even heard of.

Team 2 Topic B:
i feel like through this entire novel that time and motion is more implied than depicted. through the narration time is expressed and explained. through the readers own knowledge of day to day life and through cleverly designed illustrations one understands the motions.

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